
CPython 3.12.2 is SBOM-ified!

Published 2024-02-08 by Seth Larson
Reading time: 1 minute

This critical role would not be possible without funding from the OpenSSF Alpha-Omega project. Massive thank-you to Alpha-Omega for investing in the security of the Python ecosystem!

SBOM for CPython source artifacts

CPython 3.12.2 is the first release that has SBOMs for source artifacts 🥳 There's an announcement for the PSF blog, so go read that first!

Work items for SBOMs that got worked on this week:

After consulting with legal help regarding the licensing questions that came up during SBOM development I opted to change all licenseConcluded fields for dependencies in the SBOM to NOASSERTION as the primary use-case for CPython's SBOMs was for supply chain and vulnerability management.

Next steps for this project include investigating SBOMs for Windows installers and continuing to learn about Vulnerability Exchange (VEX) and how it can be applied to CPython SBOMs.

Other items

That's all for this week! 👋 If you're interested in more you can read next week's report or last week's report.

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