
Querying every file in every release on the Python Package Index

Published 2023-11-14 by Seth Larson
Reading time: 7 minutes

This critical role would not be possible without funding from the OpenSSF Alpha-Omega Project. Massive thank-you to Alpha-Omega for investing in the security of the Python ecosystem!

Last week I published a graphic showing the use of memory safe and unsafe systems programming languages in Python packages which garnered some interest from the community how I was creating such a graphic.

The graphic used file extension information which isn't a perfect method for detecting other programming languages, but likely good enough for trends and identifying projects.

What is interesting about this graphic is it needs access to files within Python distributions like wheels and source distributions on PyPI. This is something that's difficult to access without actually downloading the artifact. So how can I query this information for every package since 2005?

I used the same dataset previously to detect vulnerable WebP binaries bundled in Python packages. Let's explore how to use this dataset to answer other questions!

None of this article would be possible without the work of Tom Forbes to create and continually update this dataset. Thanks Tom for all your work and for helping me get started.

Why is this data useful?

I'm also doing work on a few different projects regarding Python packaging metadata, namely PEP 639 and "Tracking bundled projects in Python distributions". Having this dataset available gives me a bunch of contextual information for those projects as well as being able to track adoption of new packaging metadata.

There was also a bit of emphasis about memory-safe programming languages in the recent US Government RFI, and I was the author for the section regarding memory safety. I wanted to explore the Python package ecosystems' current usage of memory safe languages like Rust and Go compared to C, C++, and Fortran. From the above graphic it seems there's some interest in using memory-safe languages which is nice to see.

The need to be able to query this dataset for multiple projects meant it probably made a bit of sense to create a small utility that can be reused, including by others (yay open source!) I created a small Gist that includes this utility. It's not optimized (actually quite slow if you don't use threads when downloading of files).

Downloading the file metadata dataset


A word of warning before we start blindly downloading all the things, these datasets are all very large, like 30+ GB just for the high-level metadata in Parquet files. Make sure you have enough storage space before copying and pasting any commands you see in this blog post. I don't want to hear that anyone's filled up their hard-drive without knowing. You have been warned! 🐉

With that out of the way, let's get started ourselves! The entire dataset is available under the pypi-data GitHub organization with varying levels of detail all the way from high-level metadata and filenames to actual file contents.

There are many datasets available on py-code.org/datasets. The Clickhouse dataset isn't completely up-to-date but as a way to experiment with the dataset it can be an easy place to play around and get started. We want the complete up-to-date dataset though, so we need to download things locally. We want the "Metadata on every file uploaded to PyPI" dataset.

To download the dataset there's a series of curl commands:

$ curl -L --remote-name-all $(curl -L "https://github.com/pypi-data/data/raw/main/links/dataset.txt")

Two curls in one (at least there's no ... | sudo sh involved...) let's examine the innermost curl first and use a local copy instead of fetching from the network:

$ curl -L "https://github.com/pypi-data/data/raw/main/links/dataset.txt" > dataset.txt
$ cat dataset.txt


It's a list of URLs that all look legit, let's download those (this will take some time):

$ curl -L --remote-name-all $(cat dataset.txt)
$ ls
index-0.parquet   index-12.parquet  index-1.parquet  index-4.parquet  index-7.parquet
index-10.parquet  index-13.parquet  index-2.parquet  index-5.parquet  index-8.parquet
index-11.parquet  index-14.parquet  index-3.parquet  index-6.parquet  index-9.parquet

Querying the dataset

In order to take full advantage of this dataset we can query the top-level Parquet metadata and subsequently download the underlying individual files only when necessary. I've created a small helper as I mentioned earlier (pycodeorg module below) to assist with these examples.

The dataset uses Parquet as a data storage format which is columnar and can be queried using DuckDB. This is the first project I've used DuckDB with and from first impressions it seems like a lovely piece of software. Before we start creating our query I like to see what the dataset fields and types are so lets run a DESCRIBE:


   column_name    column_type   null   
     varchar        varchar    varchar 
 project_name     VARCHAR      YES     
 project_version  VARCHAR      YES     
 project_release  VARCHAR      YES     
 uploaded_on      TIMESTAMP    YES     
 path             VARCHAR      YES     
 archive_path     VARCHAR      YES     
 size             UBIGINT      YES     
 hash             BLOB         YES     
 skip_reason      VARCHAR      YES     
 lines            UBIGINT      YES     
 repository       UINTEGER     YES     
 11 rows                       6 columns 

Now that we know the form of the dataset we can make our first query. Let's create a query for projects per file extension and split that by month. That query would look something like this:

  -- We're bucketing our data by month and extension --
  datetrunc('month', uploaded_on) AS month,
  regexp_extract(path, '\.([a-z0-9]+)$', 1) AS ext,

  -- DuckDB has native list/object manipulation, pretty cool! --
  LIST(DISTINCT project_name) AS projects
FROM '*.parquet'
  -- Our regex for matching files for languages we care about --
  regexp_matches(path, '\.(asm|c|cc|cpp|cxx|h|hpp|rs|[Ff][0-9]{0-2}(?:or)?|go)$')

  -- Filter out test files and whole virtual environments --
  -- embedded in Python distributions. --
  AND NOT regexp_matches(path, '(^|/)test(|s|ing)')
  AND NOT contains(path, '/site-packages/')
GROUP BY month, ext

With this query and some data massaging we can create this graphic and see how Rust is driving the majority of memory-safe programming language use in binary Python distributions:

Graph of different languages in Python packages over time. Initially was almost all C/C++, now Rust is gaining.

Accessing file data

Previously it was very difficult to learn about the adoption of new packaging metadata standards and fields due to the prohibitively large bandwidth, storage, and CPU cost that came with downloading an entire swath of PyPI and unpack their contents only to examine a small METADATA or WHEEL file. However, with this dataset we can write a simple query and fetch only the files we need to get the answers to the above questions:

SELECT repository, project_name, path
FROM '*.parquet'
  -- We only want distributions uploaded in --
  -- October 2023 for a recent snapshot. --
  datetrunc('month', uploaded_on) = DATE '2023-10-01'

  -- We want .dist-info/WHEEL files from wheels --
  AND regexp_matches(path, '\.dist-info/WHEEL$')

  -- And files shouldn't be skipped since we can't call --
  -- `get_file()` on these, like if they're empty or binaries. --
  -- Pretty unlikely! --
  AND skip_reason == ''

substitute this query in for the QUERY variable below:

import re
import pycodeorg

QUERY = ...

# Find all 'WHEEL' metadata files in wheels:
for repo, project, path in pycodeorg.query(QUERY):

    # Fetch the file data from the dataset
    data = pycodeorg.get_data(repo, project, path)

    # Then parse the 'Generator' field and aggregate
    if match := re.search(rb"\nGenerator:\s*([\w]+)", data):
        builder = match.group(1).decode()

This query allows me to provide this data, which to my knowledge isn't available yet and from this we can answer questions like which wheel builder is most common (which are bdist_wheel by a wide margin, then poetry and hatch) and which packaging metadata fields are in use. I'm excited to see what other insights folks are able to gather from using this dataset!

Other items

That's all for this week! 👋 If you're interested in more you can read next week's report or last week's report.

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This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0