
Releases on the Python Package Index are never “done”

Published 2024-01-24 by Seth Larson
Reading time: 3 minutes

This critical role would not be possible without funding from the OpenSSF Alpha-Omega project. Massive thank-you to Alpha-Omega for investing in the security of the Python ecosystem!

PEP 740 and open-ended PyPI releases

PEP 740 is a proposal to add support for digital attestations to PyPI artifacts, for example publish provenance attestations, which can be verified and used by tooling.

William Woodruff has been working on PEP 740 which is in draft on GitHub, William addressed my feedback this week. During this work the open-endedness of PyPI releases came up during our discussion, specifically how it is a common gotcha for folks designing tools and policy for multiple software ecosystems difficult.

What does it mean for PyPI releases to be open-ended? It means that you can always upload new files to an existing release on PyPI even if the release has been created for years. This is because a PyPI “release” is only a thin layer aggregating a bunch of files on PyPI that happen to share the same version.

This discussion between us was opened up as a wider discussion on discuss.python.org about this property. Summarizing this discussion:

CPython Software Bill-of-Materials update

CPython 3.13.0a3 was released, this is the very first CPython release that contains any SBOM metadata at all, and thus we can create an initial draft SBOM document.

Much of the work on CPython's SBOMs was done to fix issues related to pip's vendored dependencies and issues found by downstream distributors of CPython builds like Red Hat. The issues were as follows:

All of these issues are mostly related and touch the same place in the codebase, so resulted in a medium-sized pull request to fix all the issues together.

On the release side, I've addressed feedback from the first round of reviews for generating SBOMs for source code artifacts and uploading them during the release. Once those SBOMs start being generated they'll automatically begin being added to python.org/downloads.

Other items

That's all for this week! 👋 If you're interested in more you can read next week's report or last week's report.

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